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5 tips for writing effective press release

Your company or organization has news to share, but you’re not sure how to spread the word. Press releases are the best and quick way to get a word out about your business announcement, whether it’s a construction project, an exciting function, a big sale, a new hire or promotion. PR person love to write a release.  It doesn’t have to be overwhelming to put together a press release. Here are 5 tips for writing a successful press release.

  1. Write A descriptive headline

Since journalists and news coverage managers have to sift through an infinite number of releases, it is important to make sure that your headline is as eye-catching as the production of your clients. Like the “topic” header of an e-mail, the headline of a press release must be informative and concise. After reading the article, the reader will have an idea of what the release is about and be interested in. Creating a successful headline is the most important step to get your press release read.

  1. Use Your Best Keywords

While writing your release, know which keywords your organization should use to produce the best results and traffic to your site and, eventually, your press release. Make sure you include these keywords in the press release and in the headline to optimize your SEO.

  1. Use 5 Ws 1 H

A successful release needs to respond to what, when, who, where and why. What’s going on? Where and when, then? Why is this happening? Who’s interested in this? This detail must be used in a successful press release. Without it, the reader is going to click delete. Even, if it works, add the “H “— how’s something going on?

  1. Include a quote

Reporters like quotes, so seriously consider including one in your press release. If it’s a company president or a CEO (if the release is for an upcoming event), make sure the quote sounds genuine and not canned. Read it out loud to make sure it sounds like what a real person would really say. Another tip on quotes: don’t make them too long. Note, it needs to sound like somebody really said it — if it has four long sentences in it, edit it.

  1. Include contact information

You need to make it easy for the reporter to get in contact with you for more details or whether he or she has additional questions. Be sure to include your contact name, email address, and phone number, or to provide the information for the main person involved in the company’s news. It is always a good idea to provide website addresses right in the press release so that reporters can search it out for more details. Don’t forget to include the Twitter handle or the Facebook page address of the product.

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